Gain real-time insight into your community composition metrics to ensure you meet your community sampling goals.
This dashboard is created automatically by Fuel Cycle if you have not created any custom dashboards.
By default, these dashboards use the following community member criteria when no group filters are applied:
- Role = Member
- Test Member = FALSE
- User Status = Active
- Activation Status = TRUE
Refresh Dashboard
Click the Refresh button in the top right corner of the dashboard to get the most current data for your charts.
Default Dashboard Charts
Three dashboard charts and tables are checked by default and are displayed at the top of your charts: User Status, Gender, and Age.
More charts can be added as described under Data Points. You may remove two of those three charts from the display, but as soon as you uncheck the third chart, all become visible again.
Gender and Age only display if they are marked as viewable in your member Profile Settings. They count toward any custom data limits for this dashboard. Default charts include:
- User Status—This pie chart shows the percentage of members who are Active, Inactive, or Dormant.
- Gender—This bar chart shows the percentage of members by gender as defined by the internal metric. If you have created P2 fields for Age or Gender apart from these fields in the past because of custom category values, you may create custom dashboards from those P2 fields.
Age—Age is calculated based on a date of birth available in the member record where month, day, and year are all present. Members will populate the N/A category if any date components are absent. Age ranges are by default set to the first option below, but you may request a change to one of the other settings by contacting Fuel Cycle support:
Range Title Age Ranges Under 18-65+ (Default) Under 18, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+
Under 18-75+ Under 18, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75+
18-65+ 18-24, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+
18-75+ 18-24, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75+
Dashboard Settings
You can find these settings at the top right of the page, above any dashboard charts.
Dashboard Filter
Place your mouse over the Dashboard Filter to see whether members counted in your dashboard reports are based on a single dynamic group, or exclude a specific dynamic group. This filter is set within the Data Settings.
Custom Indicator
Place your mouse over the Custom Indicator to see the last time any changes were made to the dashboard and by whom.
Custom Charts
from the Data Settings button on the right side of the screen...
- Filter your charts by whether members are segmented in specific groups.
- Add new charts to your dashboard.
Use the filter option to only show dashboard data for members who are or are not in certain groups.
Data Points
Choose new dashboard charts to include.
For User Account Info, any of the following member account information may be added as a chart onto your dashboard:
- User Status
- Gender
- Email Validity
- Mobile Number
- Notification Frequency
- Points Sum
- Points Average
- Survey Completes Total
- Survey Completes Average
- User Contents Total
- User Contents Average
- Uploads Total
- Uploads Average
- Device
- Age
- Email Campaign Subscription
- SMS Campaign Subscription
- Recruitment
- Screener
- Mobile Type
For P2 points, start typing the P2 Point Name in the search field or navigate the alphabetical list to find your P2 points to add. Check the box next to the P2 point to include it.
For Groups, start typing the dynamic group in the search field or navigate the alphabetical list to find your groups to add. Check the box next to the group to include it.
When a filter is applied, a number is displayed in the Data Points header.
Reorder Charts
Your custom dashboard charts will display in the order you create them. To adjust the order, click and drag the data point's drag handle to place them in your preferred top-to-bottom order.
Chart Options
Click the Edit button to the right of each custom chart to change either the chart type or the presentation of the data values within the chart.
The type of data you are displaying determines the available chart types. Some will only have horizontal or vertical bar charts. Others may have a pie chart option.
Data values displayed within the chart can be customized to show actual values, percentages, or both.
Click on the Close button to close the edit menu.
Share Dashboard
Click the Share button in the top right corner of your report to share report results with anyone who possesses the URL link.
Each report has its own shareable URL and password.
Click the Copy button separately for the Public Access link and the password and paste it into your communication platform.
Anyone with the link can view the report. A password provides access protection.
Remember that SMS texts and email are inherently not secure communication platforms. To send the report link and password more securely, send each item in separate communications.
Export Dashboard
The Export tab of the dashboard sharing window contains a button to download an Excel version of the dashboard.