Dynamic groups update automatically over time as members meet the criteria of the group you created. For instance, if you created a group targeting females aged 18-34, every female aged 18-34 would be added to the group when they joined the community.
Access groups from the Groups icon in the left navigation bar in the Research Engine.
Click Create Group to begin.
Group Type
- Click Dynamic Group.
- Add the Group Name that describes your dynamic group.
- Choose whether to Push Data to External Sources such as your survey provider.
Save your current configuration and continue working by clicking Save Current Group in the right-side pane at the bottom. If you don't, you won't be able to proceed with identifying the conditions necessary to add new members automatically to your group.
Select Source of Conditions
Select a source of conditions for your group:
- Create new conditions—Set your Group Conditions as explained below.
- Use existing group conditions—Load an existing, previously saved, completed Dynamic or Subset group and its conditions as a starting point for your sub-group.
Set Group Conditions
Combine one or more conditions for your group into Logic Groups. Use these Logic Groups to create separate conditions with different ideas. The AND/OR buttons at the top of the section relate to the logic used to combine Logic Groups.
For example, you can create the following conditions:
Logic Group #1: Males AND 18-24
Logic Group #2: Females AND 45-55.
- In Logic Group 1, you will see AND/OR buttons that set the relationship between all the statements inside the group.
For example, you can use the AND button to set the criteria to Males AND 18-24.
Each logic group you create will have its own AND/OR choice that you can change according to your preferences. - Click Select Criteria to choose the first statement criterion. For example, choose Gender.
- Click Select Logical Comparison to add the conditions that relate to the criterion.
- Is Exactly—Users must answer with the exact options you specify. Users may only select one option. If you use a multiple-choice source question and users select this option, it will only work if you want to target members who have only selected one specific option. If you want to target members who have selected more than 1 option, you will need to use the IS ANY OF and/or IS NOT ANY OF conditions.
- Is Not Exactly—Users must not have selected the exact options you choose. For example, if you choose "Is Not Exactly" "A," the user must not have selected only A as an answer. If the user selects answers A and B, they will be included in the group.
- Is Any Of—Users must select at least one of the options you specify. For example, if you choose "Is Any Of" "A," "B" or "C," the user who selects A would be included (even if he didn't also choose B and C).
- Is Not Any Of—Users must not select at least one of the options you choose. For example, if you choose "Is Not Any Of" "A" or "B," the user who selected B would not be included in the group.
- Is Between—There are two values for this condition, and the two values should be included in the results. For example, dates between July 1 and July 4 include July 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- Is Not Between—There are two values for this condition, and the two values should not be included in the results. For example, dates not between July 1 and July 4 would exclude July 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- Click the field labeled Type to search and select to choose the value that meets your conditions. For example, choose Female.
- To add another logic statement to a logic group, click the + button to the right of the existing logic statement.
- To remove a logic statement (only when there is more than one), click on the X button to the right of the logic statement to remove.
Click Add Logic Group to add an entirely new group of logical statements.
Click Save Current Group frequently to save your changes.
Click Exit to return to the Groups list.
Group Criteria
These are the conditions that you can choose for inclusion or exclusion to your group:
- User Role
- User Status
- User Activation
- Gender
- Age
- Login Count
- Join Date
- Recruitment
- Profiling Point
- Static Group
- Subset Group
- Cooldown
- Login
- Updated Profile Questions
- Received SMS Campaign
- Received Push Campaign
- Received Email Campaign
- Opened Push Campaign
- Opened Email Campaign
- Clicked SMS Campaign
- Clicked Email Campaign
- Completed Poll
- Completed Survey
- Commented on Attachment
- Commented in Activity
- Upload in Activity Comment
- Upload as Attachment
- Member Forum Post Created
- RSVPed to Live Chat
- Attended Live Chat
- RSVPed to Live Event
- Completed FC Live Event
- Created Ticket
- Commented in Delta Testing Ticket
- Upload in Delta Testing Ticket
- Upload in Delta Testing Comment
- Complete Poll
- Poll Response
- Complete Survey
- Survey Question
- Post Comment
- Upload Attachment
- Post Content
- Attend Live Chat
- RSVP to Live Chat
- Complete FC Live Event
- RSVP to Live Event
- Create Ticket
Check Group Size
Monitor the group size in real time as you assemble the requirements for your dynamic group.
Two charts display a breakdown of active, inactive, and dormant status: one for available/activated members and the other for members who are pending activation.