Fuel Cycle groups assist you in better understanding and connecting with specific cohorts in your research.
There are three types of groups you can create:
- Static Groups—Segments of community members that change as you add users to the group. They are created by manually adding users to the group.
- Dynamic Groups—Segments of community members based on set conditions, such as demographic data, custom profile questions, and community activity.
- Subset Groups—Subsets of members that are "locked in" based on AND/OR logic and various criteria. For example, highly active responders, first responders who are potentially over-positive, or speeders. This group type is perfect for differential sampling.
Access your groups from the Groups icon in the navigation menu on the left.
Groups List
The Groups list provides the following details:
- Marking your group as a Favorite (filled star).
- Mark groups as favorites by clicking on the empty star to fill it.
- To remove the favorite, click the solid star to make it empty.
- Favorited groups will always appear first on the listing page in the order of most recently created, followed by unfavorited groups in descending order of creation date.
- Please note that clicking on any column to sort the data will sort without taking the favorite status into account.
- Group Name
Group Type
- Static
- Dynamic
- Sub-Group
Status—This field identifies whether the Research Engine has started actively processing candidates for this segment.
- Draft
- Processing
- Completed
- Date Created—This field identifies when this group was created.
- Push—This field indicates whether or not to push this group to an external source like a survey provider.
Actions—The rightmost column contains the following actions you can take on your groups:
- Download—This will trigger a CSV file download containing that group's members.
- Copy—This prompts the duplication of a group, taking you into the group builder and carrying over the associated criteria.
- Archive (or Unarchive)—This action places groups in an archive versus active view.
- Check Size—This prompts a pop-up showing 2 charts: one with the breakdown of user status for activated members and another for pending activations.
- Check for Member—Check whether a member exists in that group, and even if a member is part of the community or not.
Sort the Groups List
Groups in the Group List will be sorted by default by favorites at the top and non-favorites next.
Click on any of the column headers to sort your table. Click once to sort in ascending order and twice to sort in descending order. Favorites do not factor into any other sorting order.
Filter the Groups List
Choose to see only a subset of your groups by using the filters above the table.
- Favorites/Non-Favorites/All
- Active/Archived Groups
- Static/Dynamic/Subset Group Types
- Draft/Processing/Completed/Locked Group Statuses