This article describes how you'll navigate and organize any research methodologies you want to generate. The table lists all your projects, sorted in descending order by creation date. View your existing projects by clicking on the Projects button on the left.
The projects arranged in rows in the List View contain the following information about your projects:
- Project Name
- Audience
- Category
- Status
- Teams
- Updated Date
- Start Date
- Close Date
- Actions
Action Enabled Conditions Distribution Link Status = Published; Audience must be shareable Duplicate Project Status = Published, Scheduled, Closed, Draft Unpublish Project Status = Published Republish Project Status = Closed Close Project Status = Published, Scheduled Edit Project Status = Scheduled, Draft, Submitted Delete Project Status = Published, Scheduled, Closed, Draft
Search Projects
Search for a particular project with the search bar, located at the far right of the Filter fields.
Filter Projects
Filter your projects by the following statuses:
- Status
- All Projects
- Published
- Scheduled
- Closed
- Drafts
- Submitted
- Product
- Ignition
- Custom Survey
- Discussion Boards
- Audience (communities, panels, or custom lists)
- Start date range
You can easily add or remove columns from your Project List using the Add/Remove Columns filter. You may not add new columns to the list of columns in the Project List beyond those described above.